Bone Complex

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PrimeGENIX® Bone Complex is the #1 all-natural bone-support supplement for men in their 30s, 40s, and 50s. Including premium ingredients – like MCHA, a breakthrough calcium compound with supreme absorbability – this artificial-free formula is the answer to your bone-related issues. You can experience growing bone density, less bone loss, and greater protection from bone fractures with one serving a day and no known negative side effects.

  • Reduce Bone Injury Risk
  • Optimize Bone Strength
  • Alleviate Age-Induced Decline
  • Stimulate More Efficient Bone Mineralization
  • Research-Substantiated Formula
  • 100% Natural Ingredients
  • Doctor-Supported Ingredients

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The Astonishing Reason WHY There’s Practically ZERO Bone Supplements Formulated For Men

You’re a guy. You’re in your 30s, 40s, or 50s. You work hard, play hard, and REAP THE REWARDS your ACTIVE lifestyle affords you. There’s just ONE PROBLEM…

…you have some serious concerns about your bone health…

This could be due to:

  • Declining bone mass
  • Loss of bone strength
  • Bone pain or injuries
  • Diminishing bone mineralization
  • Lowered bone density metrics

… and in spite of your best efforts, you’ve been unable to locate an all-natural bone supplement optimally constructed for men. In searching for that “white whale,” maybe you’ve even encountered something odd?

Mainly the fact that… essentially EVERY bone support supplement is designed for women over 65 years of age. What’s the deal with that? Well, the unfortunate reality is:

That’s where the market is and where the BIGTIME money can be found!

Biology doesn’t lie: Women tend to have smaller frames and more compact bones than men. So, ladies are far more susceptible to deteriorating bone health, a risk that multiplies massively with age. That’s why almost EVERY bone supplement you find is built with senior-aged women in mind.

How about the men under 65? What are we, chopped liver? Are our bone problems wholly neglected and forgotten?

As a guy with BIGGER bones and more EXTENSIVE skeletal mass, you need a specialized bone health supplement capable of supplying HUGE nutritional value. That’s precisely the role PrimeGENIX® Bone Complex is formulated for and performs so WELL!

PrimeGENIX® Is Devoted To Naturally Supporting Maximal Bone Strength In Men

PrimeGENIX® was established with ONE GOAL in mind - to help the men of Generation X (those born between the mid-1960s and the early-1980s) achieve and maintain high-level physical wellness. We hated seeing our friends tossing aside the physical activities that made them vibrant specimens of life. So, we stepped in to do something about it.

That’s the inspiration for Bone Complex. As you’ll come to know, the PrimeGENIX® family is DEAD SET on ensuring us “middle-aged” guys still perform like young “studs” for years to come.

But before all that, it’s important to fully comprehend how “standard” calcium may be short-changing you and why a revolutionary calcium compound called MCHA has flipped the game on its head.

Can Calcium Actually Be Counted On For Maximizing Bone Strength?

So, you want to build strong bones. Just get more calcium. It’s that simple, right? WRONG!

Of course: It’s true calcium is a crucial building block for the formation of healthy bone tissue. HOWEVER, recent jaw-dropping studies report calcium has SERIOUS absorption issues. That’s why many guys take standard calcium supplements over and over, only to experience NO beneficial growth.

Thankfully, as a result of modern science, we’ve been presented with a SUPERIOR form of calcium known as MCHA (Microcrystalline Calcium Hydroxyapatite). This extraordinary calcium molecule is TREMENDOUSLY more absorbable in bones than standard calcium. That’s why it can yield impressive results for bone density, bone mineralization, and resistance to bone injuries.

Why MCHA Is The Finest Calcium Molecule For Men

Disappointingly, due to the poor absorbability of standard calcium, many men waste years of their lives, not to mention cold hard cash, on calcium supplements that never fully integrate into their skeletal structures. They think they’re doing right by themselves, only one day to discover their bone density has ACTUALLY declined! That realization can be jarring, even for the strongest of men.

And that’s precisely why MCHA is a breakthrough for men’s calcium supplementation.

MCHA is perfectly designed to deliver first-rate absorption, firmly consolidating into bone tissue for magnificent structural enhancements. Unlike with standard calcium, there’s no need to worry about “pissing away” most of the bone-supporting nourishment in MCHA.

PLUS… MCHA contains numerous bone-boosting minerals, such as - collagen, zinc, and phosphorus - these help to enhance the efficacy of calcium ions. This is why multiple studies have reported that MCHA, alone, can substantially increase bone wellness.

The 100% natural calcium compound organically stimulates bone osteoblast cells, which are necessary for fueling ample bone cell growth. And it contains hydroxyapatite crystals, known to play a key role in the formation of rigid bone tissue.

With a bevy of proven benefits for bone health, the decision to incorporate MCHA into Bone Complex was clear as day. But we wanted to offer a bone supplement with wide-ranging rewards, so we added another 9 all-natural ingredients with serious scientific support for improving multiple aspects of bone wellness.

“The form of calcium in bones and bone meal is calcium-hydroxyapatite [MCHA], which may be particularly effective for building bone.”1

Graph: Change in % Cortical Bone Thickness

PrimeGENIX® Bone Complex
The Leading Bone Support Blueprint For Men Aged 30-60

Identifying a high-quality bone support complex made for men, with research-supported ingredients and physician-recommended formulation, has been like trying to find a needle in a haystack FOR YEARS! The facts are the facts: 99% of bone supplements cater to older women. They simply can’t supply the MASSIVE nourishing fuel men need.


For that exact reason, the talented research and development team at PrimeGENIX® - a premier fitness supplement manufacturer for men aged 30-60 - designed Bone Complex.

Our easy-to-use daily formula necessitates just a single daily serving, packing a SERIOUS PUNCH with TEN vigorous compounds known to stimulate enhanced bone health naturally. Our goal is to help keep you on your feet, in the game and flourishing well into your “middle-aged” years.

AND… the unique formula supplies a healthy serving of MCHA - the elite 100% natural calcium compound that demonstrates SUPERIOR absorbability in bone tissue. You’ll bear witness to LIFE-CHANGING improvements sparking considerable boosts to your CONFIDENCE and PEACE OF MIND!

8 Enhancements You Can Expect To Achieve With Bone Complex

#1 Lessened Bone Loss

#2 More Efficient Bone Mineralization

#3 Hugely Strengthened Bones

#4 Reduced Risk of Injuries

#5 Increased Bone Mass

#6 Quicker Post-Injury Recovery

#7 Better Bone Aging

#8 Significantly Greater Calcium Absorption

Made With Elite Ingredients Supported By Scientific Research

“Vitamin K combined with vitamin D significantly increased the total bone mineral density.”
Food & Function

“Observational studies have found lower vitamin K status to be associated with lower bone mineral density and higher fracture incidence.”
Linus Pauling Institue (Oregon State University)

“Boron is a trace element that plays an important role in numerous biological functions, including calcium metabolism, growth and maintenance of bone tissue.”
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology

“We need to get enough of two nutrients in particular, calcium and vitamin D, to help keep our bones strong.”
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

“Zinc appears to be able to promote bone regeneration.”
Materials (MDPI)

“Vitamin C is as critical to healthy bones as vitamin D and calcium.”
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

“Copper intake was positively associated with increasing BMD [Bone Mineral Density] in US adults.”
Biological Trace Element Research

“Higher magnesium intake is associated with higher hip and femoral neck bone mineral density.”

“Manganese is one of the minerals important for growing and maintaining healthy bones.”
Cleveland Clinic10

“Vitamin D functions by stimulating intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption, by stimulating bone calcium mobilization, and by increasing renal reabsorption of calcium.”
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology11

Recommended By Orthopedic Injury Specialist Dr. Kaleb Redden

Dr. Kaleb Redden is a sports medicine physician and doctor of osteopathic medicine. He works with professional rodeo athletes and UFC fighters to help them prevent and recover from severe bone injuries. Through his vast experience, Dr. Redden has come to understand what works and what doesn’t in regards to building a strong, resilient skeletal frame.

That’s why Dr. Redden wholeheartedly recommends Bone Complex to highly active men who rely upon their strong bones to live life to the fullest.


Learn More About All 10 Elite Ingredients Within Bone Complex

Every SINGLE dose of Bone Complex feeds your bones with 10 dynamic all-natural compounds known to fuel greater bone mass, lessen bone loss, and help reduce the incidence of bone injuries. That includes a healthy 900mg of Microcrystalline Calcium Hydroxyapatite (MCHA) - the SUPERIOR form of calcium.

Even though MCHA could provide a ton of value all by itself, we felt obligated to add even MORE bone-boosting potency. That’s why Bone Complex features 9 added nutrients optimized to support WIDE-RANGING bone health benefits with NO reported negative side effects.


MCHA, or Microcrystalline Calcium Hydroxyapatite, has been hailed as a QUANTUM LEAP forward in calcium absorption technology. We source all of our MCHA from free-range cattle, ensuring you’ll get high-quality compounds utilizing several molecules critical to stimulating enhanced bone health. With massive bone uptake rates, MCHA performs better than “standard” calcium ever could.

Vitamin D3

Recent studies have reported the plethora of health benefits associated with vitamin D, showing the vitamin’s essentiality for men. One of those benefits, of course, is greater bone strength, thanks to enhanced bone mineralization. On top of that, adequate vitamin D intake can actually improve the absorbability of calcium ions in bone tissue, potentially triggering vast bone cell proliferation.

Vitamin C

While many individuals understand vitamin C is considered to be “good” for them, its impressive bone-enhancing effects receive little publicity. However, vitamin C is a natural bone-boosting “powerhouse,” supplying tremendous improvements to collagen synthesis and protecting bone tissue from damaging oxidative stress.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is necessary for the production of a specialized bone protein called osteocalcin. This bone-building protein is secreted by osteoblast cells and is needed for regenerating healthy bone tissue. Vitamin K also helps to keep calcium molecules stable in your body.


This mineral acts like a “jack of all trades” when it comes to bone health. Firstly, magnesium is vital to activating vitamin D inside bone tissue, which then plays a critical role in calcium uptake. Secondly, magnesium stimulates the activity of key enzymes known to produce biochemical reactions that continuously remodel your skeletal structure.


An organic trace element, boron helps to increase bone density and maintain healthy bone cells. Plus, it contributes to reducing calcium excretion, meaning it helps to keep reinvigorating calcium molecules inside your body where they need to be for optimal bone health.


Copper is an essential trace mineral that helps to support bone strength by feeding collagen synthesis and stimulating the enzymatic processes that power greater bone health. It's also a potent antioxidant, effectively shielding bone tissue from oxidative stress.


Another trace mineral, manganese, is instrumental to bone mineralization. In fact, it can help to make other Bone Complex ingredients, primarily calcium and phosphorus, more effective during the mineralization process, which makes bones harder.


Approximately 85% of phosphorus in your body is concentrated in your bones and teeth. The nutrient plays a massive part in providing rigid resiliency to your skeletal structure. It’s widely considered to be essential for proper bone wellness.


Zinc can be found in many high-end fitness supplements because it’s critical for synthesizing key proteins that contribute to physical strength. Studies have shown that it also activates osteoblast cells to generate strengthened bone mass. That’s probably why greater zinc intake is reported to be highly correlated with increased bone mineralization.

You Can Support Optimal Bone Wellness With Just 1 Daily Serving

It’s never been easier to support optimal bone wellness with increasing bone density and lessened bone loss. All it requires is ONE serving of Bone Complex per day. You’re able to take between 1 and 6 capsules per serving, depending on your needs. For ideal results, it’s best to take each serving with food.

Bone Complex Is Proudly Manufactured In The USA

We make Bone Complex in the United States of America. All manufacturing facilities adhere to cGMP regulations and are routinely inspected by the FDA. This way, you can be sure you’re getting a high-quality product, free of reported negative side effects, each and every time you order Bone Complex.

Bone Complex Can Save You Loads Of Cash!

Remember, Bone Complex comes equipped with not just 1 or 2 nice little ingredients. Instead, it’s chock-full of bone-nourishing power with TEN all-natural ingredients reported to benefit bone health by scientific studies.

Pause for a second to consider how much time, money, and effort it would take you to assemble all of those high-quality ingredients (which won’t be sold at your local grocer)...

… a conservative number would be HOURS of your time, LOTS of stress, and AT LEAST $150 per month. And that’s if you’re lucky!

Amazingly, Bone Complex can deliver you all of that same value with GIGANTIC bone-supporting nourishment for cents on the dollar.

Not only did we want to provide a superior bone supplement for men, but we also wanted to provide it at an AFFORDABLE price because we’d like to see all the guys of Generation X thrive for years to come!

Take Advantage Of Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee & Use It RISK-FREE For 67 Days

Bone Complex comes with a 100% satisfaction 67-day money-back guarantee.

You can order and use this bone-supporting supplement RISK-FREE. If it doesn’t help you to improve your bone health, send back all used and unused packaging and collect a refund of the purchase price.

There’s NO CATCH. There’s NO FINE PRINT. And there’s NO GAMES.

It’s just a reliable guarantee for reliable results.

Fair enough for you?

Toss Aside Nagging Bone Health Concerns & Maximize Your Quality Of Life!

Picture yourself free from troublesome bone health issues…

…your skeletal structure solid and firm, supporting your physical wellness and helping you to reach new heights…

… you’re GETTING AFTER IT in the gym, PLAYING SPORTS that you love, and participating in daily PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES that make you the rugged man you are…

… your bones growing stronger, FIGHTING BACK against “Father Time,” remaining as resilient as ever.

That sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it?

Well, the decision is yours, and yours alone, to make.

You’ve seen the marvelous FULL-SPECTRUM rewards Bone Complex can unlock for your bone health affordably, with just 1 daily serving and no known negative side effects…

… you can start maximizing your quality of life TODAY!

Go to the top of the page and select the ideal package for your needs.

F.A.Q.’s For PrimeGENIX® Bone Complex


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